Life, the Universe, and Everything
I’m not turning 42 for another year, but I do have a birthday creeping up, so I figure it’s a good time to check in.
Rather than focus on where I’ve been and what I’ve accomplished in the past year (a lot of which is awesome), I’m going to focus on who I am right now.
Here’s how I feel about myself and my life at this moment.

I’m in a good place. Better than I’ve been for a long while. A number of things have led to this, and I appreciate each contributing factor to my growing confidence and ability to tap into a sense of calm.
I’ve been more grounded lately, more connected to the wisdom of the earth and ancestral motherhood. I’m happy with who I am and I am grateful for my children, for my family, for my home, and for my community. I could keep going. #grateful
I just finished the “final” polish on the manuscript I’ve been hitting hard for the last however many months. A story I’ve been working on for five years. By the time my birthday rolls around, I will probably have submitted to a handful of literary agents and editors. So that’s something to celebrate.
I haven’t been blogging as much, or making music for that matter, but I’ve been revising, editing, getting feedback and editing more, turning the book of my heart into a work of art. My query letter has gone through at least fifty incarnations, and I’ve heard perspectives from enough people that I feel like I’m ready.
Here’s hoping I get lots of requests, and that those who read the story fall in love with it!

Another year older.
Wisdom is a gift. It tends to come with time, mistakes, and ongoing curiosity around self-growth.
I’ve discovered that the more humble I am, the more I like myself. So I guess I’m aging well. Another week, and I’ll be 41. Which means I’ll be 42 in 2020.
It must mean something. 😉
Thank you for reading.