
Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, and tree-hugging yogini who swears a lot. She quit teaching yoga to be mama bear to twin boys, but she couldn’t stop writing if she tried.
The author of YOGA FOR DRAGON RIDERS (non-fiction) and WILD HORSE HEART (romantic suspense), Katrina’s writing is entertaining, empowering, and aimed at the soul. She holds a BFA in Multimedia Design, with which she does fun things like designing book covers and websites, and geeking out about movies.
Katrina lives in the highlands of British Columbia with her family. In the summer, you can find her staring at the stars and hanging out with horses. In the winter, she’s feeding the fire in the wood stove.
Katrina writes for the sheer thrill of creation, and to appease the unruly cast of characters who live in her head. She is extremely grateful for her readers.
Katrina is active in the writing community on Twitter, and always happy to meet a new friend: @KatrinaAriel